Specialising in Restorative Yoga and Mindfulness

What People Say About Wendy:

“Wow, just finished an 8 week course with Wendy, its all come together and my experience and perception of life has been transformed. I would recommend this course for anyone who needs to take a few steps back from their chaotic, busy, stressful lives, to learn how to calm the mind and experience life in a more authentic, calming way. Wendy has been an inspiring, supportive and understanding tutor, aiding me to being able to see from black and white to colour once again. Thank you so much Wendy for being just fab.”

- GX Facebook Recommendation

“Do not dwell in the past

Do not dream of the future

Concentrate the mind on the present moment”

— Buddha

Relax, restore, renew .....

Upcoming Events ………

Restorative Saturday Morning

Spend the morning relaxing with restorative yoga, calming down the nervous system, resting and digesting.

Saturday 26th October 2024, 10-12

Pulford Village Hall, Chester

£25 - book below

Nourish   Yourself

Vegan Dishes

Delicious Vegan Dishes easy for you to make from home, copy and paste for your scrapbook!

Breakfast - Smoothie Bowl

Lunch - Bhudda Bowl

Dinner - Kitchari

Get in touch with Wendy.