The Wheel of life and how to work towards balance …..
Score 1 (low in centre) to 10 (high in outside)
Use labels that have meaning to you to find balance
For a while life stood still, we had a moment to catch our breath and equally we had the most challenging period Globally in our life time.
Life is beginning to move on again now, faster than it has been and we are feeling all sorts of emotions, there is so much ‘stuff’ to process how and where do we start?
In coaching we use something called the Wheel of Life, or the Coaching Wheel that can highlight areas of our life where we need to put in some time and energy. If you look a the image you will see segments representing different aspects of our lives. We score each section on how we are feeling about this right now in this moment, you score between one and ten and the best visual is to copy this out into your journal and colour in so you can see really clearly where you are coming up short.
I use this as a starting point with clients and then we can have great discussions around what it looks like as a 5, and how do we get it to a 10? What needs to change and how can you do it? This can then lead to some specific goals that are holding us to accountability. This is what I love about coaching, having those great conversations when you learn that you have all the answers for yourself, you just need a skilled coach to help you explore them.
So if you are struggling to find that elusive balance, identify areas where you need some help or support, or just get your life back on track after the impact of this last year, get in touch and let me support you.
I am always available for a discovery call, where you can just see if you would like to work with me in supporting your health and wellbeing, just go to the contact page.
Enjoy working with the wheel
with love x