Pimp that porridge…..

Part of self care for me is also about taking the time to prepare food well, try different ingredients, change the look and the feel to suit you are feeling and for seasonal balances.

So as we move into Autumn and the colours of autumn, I felt inspired today to pimp my porridge a little for how I was feeling, for the colours I can see outside and most importantly what I have to hand.

Pears and dates are a beautiful combination (known to be very Satvic in Ayurveda - look it up!), fennel is great for the digestive system, coconut oil to keep it vegan (if that is important to you) and I always make my porridge with water. If that isn’t important to you use milk or nut milk or add cream or yoghurt, there is no right and wrong just what you like.

Brazil nuts because I have a glut of them at the moment, I would probably usually use walnuts and maybe some seeds instead if I am feeling more frugal.

I have used gluten free oats for the last few years, they are processed in an environment free from any other grains to avoid any cross contamination of gluten.

And a splash of maple syrup, just a splash as the dates have already added sweetness - again whatever sweetness you have to hand, coconut sugar, honey (again if not vegan).

And the final part of the recipe is to sit at the table with some chilled out vibes playing and feast on your lovingly prepared breakfast, my recipe is below:

1 Cup full of oats and water to cover (add more if it thickens too much)

I date sliced into small slithers

pinch of cinnamon, ginger, cardamon (if you have, if not whatever you do have and fancy)

Put these ingredients in a small pan and gently heat (stirring regularly)

Meanwhile melt a teaspoon of coconut oil in a frying pan and add half a teaspoon of fennel seeds over a low heat.

Slice the pear longways into around 3 pieces (leave the outer layers to eat later) and add to the pan.

Cook gently turning over as you go until they are browned (you may want to start this before the porridge depending how soft or hard your pears are).

Finally add some chopped nuts just for the last few seconds of cooking to take on the coating and add a splash of maple syrup to bring it all together.

Serve the pears on top of the porridge and enjoy.


Green Soup (for the soul)


Grief and loss.......